June 12 came arround...

Starting at 6:30 am, God started showing me thaht He would be in control. I had slept with curlers in my head (yes, ouch!), and now the sound of hair dryers blowing to the max woke me up. My sisters walking around the house, half head with straight hair, half with curls. My mom and dad talk and walk around. I don't know what they said. I still have another two hours to sleep.
Finally I get out of bed. Ready to have my hair done and make up put on. Unbelievably, I'm not nervous nor stressed out. I'm pretty much relaxed and optimistic.
The camera girls are here already!!! they start shooting pictures and record the video as Javier starts working with my hair...it's looking good! finally puts the tiara on and it's done! :)
Then the make up. it looks great! I love it! not too much, and looks very natural. Now is time for the dress. The camera girls follow me everywhere and capture every moment! i feel like a rock star!
My three sisters work hard to tight up my dress. They are nervous and about to cry to see me with the dress on!!! I love them so!!! anyway, I finally have the dress on...and I am ready to go!!!
we started with the pictures by the door. With my dad and by myself. I loved it!!! :) then, walking down the stairs to get into the Limo...my sister Kizzy is already crying her eyes out!!! poor thing!! I love her to death!!...As soon as I walk out my door, my neighbors had come out to see me and say goodbye!!! so sweet of them!! they clapped when I walked out my house. I felt so special!!
In the Limo, I finally start getting a bit nervous, but it soon goes away.
We arrived at church by 1:20pm. The ceremony was supposed to start at 1!!!! haha, but it's Latin America! everyone was late!!!...cept for the american groom!!! :P (sorry sweetie!) anyways, after some pictures outside, we finally start.
"...This is the end of a beautiful friendship...but the beggining of love..." Thank you Norah Jones, for that beautiful song to which the parents and and the bridal party walked down to!!!! my three sisters, Jon's best friend, brother in Law and my brother (now, the other brother in law!).
finally, the song starts..."Hace mucho no sentia, lo que siento en este dia, no puedo explicarme nada, solo tengo tu mirada aqui clavada entre mis ojos. Solo tengo un raro antojo de extranarte cada dia y ser parte de tus dias...una cancion amor, de la penumbra siento que nace una luz, siento tus manos y presenciento que eres tu que estas muy cerca, no puedo creer que tu amor abrio mi puerta..." Thank you Gianmarco!!!! I loved walking down to that song~ The title is "una cancion de amor (a love song)".

My parents cried their eyes out!!!! when It turned around, now as Mrs. Slezak, my dad had his face completely wet!! He made me cry. He was happy to see me happy, but also sad to let me go...and so was I. But now I am married to the most amazing man I have ever met!!! He is my brother, my lover, my inspiration, best friend, my husband and new reason to live!!!

Of course all stories have two sides. that was the pretty one, Now all the bad things that happened:
We had to cancel out honey moon and loose the money due to some people disagreeing with the way we were doing things. I can't go into details, but we did not have a wedding night nor the honey moon we had planned and looked forward to. We were mad, sad, disappointed and lost our money!!!!!
At the ceremony, they goofed and did not play the two worship songs completely as they should have. Basically played them as transition songs....:s
Also they set up the sand wrong. Instead of candles we wanted to mix sand from our countries symbolizing the union not only of two people and families, but of two cultures and countries. We had to use very little sand to make it enough for the bid glass that was for us and the two small ones that were for our parents. they did not put Jon's sand, only mine...:s
Then, we were an hour and half behind on schedule, so we didn't take as many pictures as we wanted. Plus, the Limo service was only until 4pm...we needed to be at the reception place at 4:30....so my best friend's dad came in his car to pick Jon and I ...the bridal party got a ride from the Limo to a certain place, then they had to take a taxi...and of course did not make it to the reception on time and we had to start with out them.
That same night we had to get to the airport at 3am, to make it on time to our flight back to the states. so no sleep!!! HAHAHA
It was a beautiful ceremony and very fun reception!!! we loved it!! there were looooooots of mistakes and OOoops!! and down sides to the story, but you know what, God is good!! He had everything in control!!! we could not get completely married then, and had to redo our wedding here in the States with a legal Officiant. which was a very nice and intimate wedding. Jon's family was able to be present and our friends. We also broadcast it online for my family to watch. It turned out pretty good and God was glorified!!! He is good!!! He supplied what we needed...and specially made it special for our families and us. We are happily married and pretty much enjoying it!!! :)

Pictures by Ann Davidson.
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